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The ranking of “unconscious” decision making factors: basis of an integrated strategy

Then, based on a representative sample of decision-makers, the criteria used – mostly unconsciously – to opt for or to remain with a company and its products in a particular market sector, are ranked per order of importance. The perception of the company and its competitors are positioned according to these factors.
This results in a RIC scale revealing those parameters which will produce highest return on investment when implementing the various communication actions. Correctly interpreted, it will serve as the basis for developing the communication strategy which will deliver highest return on investment (ROI).

It will then allow to guide – on a day to day basis – all of the company’s communication tools in an integrated way: design, direct marketing, advertising, public relations and, last but not least, internal communication.

RIC Model


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The RIC Guide

Ric Model

The guide to return on integrated communication is a short publication which presents how to measure, manage and maximise the effectiveness of communication...

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